Dr Ivana Haluskova Balter

Dr Ivana Haluskova Balter

Board Member French society of immunology, France


French Medical ID professional specialized in infectious diseases, internal medicine, certified in Immunology and Pediatric, MBA vaccinology and years of clinical practice.

Certified in Health and Diplomacy with Lived multi-country medical “field “experience in Southeast Asia (India in particular), West/Central/East Europe.

Over 17 years of experience in senior medical lead positions in pharmaceutical research. Member of World alliance against antibiotic resistance and French immunology society (SFI) administrative boards and several international academic societies with focus at the innovation of R&D. reflecting immunology and genetic variability, the role of immunologic approach for treatment and diagnostic to tackle the problem of resistance and the role of microbiota to empower host immune response with extensive clinical application.

Member of the international advisory group (CHD India) in order to attract attention to the crucial importance of health issues for sustainable economic development and security.

Years of expertise to work on a project related to global health more focused at Eurasia and Asia (India in particular) 


Preventive approach in medicine was described already in ancient times. The focal point of Hippocratic medicine is the belief that medicine should be practiced as a scientific discipline based on the natural sciences, diagnosing and preventing diseases as well as treating them. Ayurveda originated in India more than 5000 years ago has as the main objective to achieve optimal health and well- being through a comprehensive approach addressing mind, body, behavior and environment. Ayurveda underline role of prevention and health promotion and provides treatment for disease. Since their earliest and most rudimentary introduction in the late 18th century, vaccines have fundamentally changed the way modern medicine is practiced and have prevented (eliminated) or managed the incidence of some of the most devastating human diseases.

Recent advances in immunology and particularly on human microbiota and the human immune system are showing a new interesting path for preventive medicine.

Early life changes in microbiota composition can alter susceptibility to developing obesity later in life. Many studies shown presence/absence of specific microbes can modulate and program life-long changes in immunity and further clinical study might help understand exact paths on metabolic disease progression.

The human gut thus harbours a complex microbial ecosystem, which consists of hundreds of species, collectively termed the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota is relatively stable in healthy adults but the composition of the gut microbiota can change rapidly owing to dietary changes, illness and the use of antibiotics.

Importantly, there is and evidence of existing communication between the central and the enteric nervous system, linking the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. This interaction between microbiota appears to be bidirectional, namely through signaling from gut-microbiota to brain and from brain to gut-microbiota by means of neural, endocrine, immune, and humoral links. Negative impact on composition and functionality microbiota given existing immune crosstalk  including  “innate cell immunity training” impact host  immune response capacities.

There are several diseases associated with alterations of the intestinal microbiota like athopy, asthma, obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases and neurodegenerative diseases and a there is a raising scientific evidence concerning link between microbiota immune response and infectious & tropical diseases.

Reinforcing role of prevention in modern medicine inspired from ancient practices and integrating increased scientific knowledge is showing to be a promising path in the area of public health and sustainable economic development.

 Note: 3 Keynote slots, 8 Speakers slots and 20 Delegate slots available