Online Event

14th Edition of International Conference on

Preventive Medicine & Public Health

Theme: Innovations & Current Trends in Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Event Date & Time

Event Location

Brochure Program Abstract Registration ReaderBase Awards

20 Years Of Excellence in Scientific Events



Conference Speaker

Joseph T F Lau

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Conference Speaker

Sergey Suchkov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Conference Speaker

Julie Rammal

George Washington University, San Diego State University

Conference Speaker

Laura Richards

Associate professor The University of Manchester

Conference Speaker


California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine

Conference Speaker


German Acupuncture Society in Dusseldorf

Tracks & Key Topics


About Conference

We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all of you to our upcoming webinar on " 14th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health," scheduled to take place on November 20-21, 2023. As the world continues to grapple with health challenges, the significance of preventive medicine has never been more apparent. We are excited to bring together leading experts, practitioners, researchers, and advocates in the field of preventive medicine for this informative and transformative event.

About the Webinar:

The "14th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health" webinar aims to delve deep into the multifaceted realm of preventive healthcare and explore the invaluable role it plays in enhancing well-being and prolonging lives. Our event promises to be an enriching experience, providing valuable insights into cutting-edge research, evidence-based practices, and innovative approaches to preventive medicine.

Key Objectives:

  • Knowledge Sharing: Through thought-provoking presentations and discussions, our distinguished speakers will share their expertise on various preventive measures that can combat diseases and promote overall health.
  • Current Trends and Research: We will explore the latest advancements and research findings in preventive medicine, allowing participants to stay abreast of emerging developments in the field.
  • Public Health Advocacy: The webinar will emphasize the importance of advocacy and community engagement in promoting preventive healthcare initiatives for a healthier society.
  • Interactive Workshops: Engaging workshops will provide attendees with hands-on experiences, empowering them with practical tools to implement preventive strategies effectively.

Who Should Attend?

Our webinar welcomes a diverse audience, including but not limited to:

  • Healthcare Professionals and Practitioners
  • Public Health Experts
  • Researchers and Academicians
  • Policy Makers and Government Representatives
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Healthcare Organizations
  • Students and Enthusiasts interested in preventive medicine

Why Attend:

Attending our "Preventive Medicine and Public health" webinar offers several benefits:

  • Gain valuable insights from prominent experts in preventive medicine.
  • Expand your network by connecting with like-minded individuals from around the world.
  • Stay updated on the latest trends and breakthroughs in healthcare and preventive medicine.
  • Obtain practical knowledge and tools to implement preventive measures in your community.



Session 01: The Foundations of Preventive Medicine

Welcome to the enlightening session on "The Foundations of Preventive Medicine," where we embark on a journey through the fundamental principles that underpin the field of preventive healthcare. This session, part of our upcoming conference on Promoting Health and Preventive Medicine, aims to shed light on the historical context, present significance, and future prospects of preventive medicine. Join us as we unravel the key pillars that form the bedrock of a healthier and more resilient world.

Session Highlights:

During this thought-provoking session, renowned experts and researchers in the field of preventive medicine will delve into the following highlights:

  1. Historical Evolution: Trace the origins of preventive medicine and its evolution from ancient practices to modern healthcare approaches. Discover how past experiences have shaped our understanding of preventive strategies.
  2. The Role of Public Health: Explore the critical link between public health initiatives and preventive medicine, emphasizing the importance of community-based interventions.
  3. Disease Surveillance and Early Detection: Learn about the significance of disease surveillance systems and early detection in identifying health threats before they escalate.
  4. Vaccination and Immunization: Examine the impact of vaccination programs in preventing infectious diseases and safeguarding public health.
  5. Lifestyle Interventions: Understand the role of lifestyle modifications in preventing chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being.
  6. Advancements in Genetics and Personalized Medicine: Uncover the potential of genetics and personalized medicine in tailoring preventive strategies to individual health profiles.

Session 02: Vaccination Strategies for Disease Prevention

Join us in this enlightening session as we delve into the pivotal role of vaccination strategies in disease prevention. Vaccines have revolutionized global health, saving countless lives and eradicating deadly diseases. This session aims to explore the latest advancements in vaccination, discuss successful immunization programs, and address challenges that lie ahead.

Key Topics to be covered:

  1. Vaccine Development and Innovations: Learn about the cutting-edge research and technology driving the development of new vaccines for emerging and existing diseases.
  2. Impact of Vaccination on Public Health: Understand the profound influence of widespread vaccination on reducing the incidence of infectious diseases and promoting community immunity.
  3. Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Explore effective communication strategies and interventions to combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
  4. Vaccination in the COVID-19 Era: Gain insights into the rapid development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting lessons learned for future pandemic preparedness.
  5. Equitable Vaccine Access: Discuss the importance of ensuring equitable access to vaccines for vulnerable populations and underserved regions.
  6. Herd Immunity and Beyond: Analyze the concept of herd immunity and its implications for controlling infectious diseases in diverse settings.

Session 03: Screening and Early Detection

Join us at our highly anticipated conference as we delve into the critical realm of "Screening and Early Detection: Pioneering Preventive Healthcare." This captivating session will spotlight the transformative power of timely diagnosis and preventive screenings in safeguarding public health.

Session Overview:

Early detection is a cornerstone of preventive medicine, enabling healthcare professionals to identify health risks at their nascent stages. This session will feature esteemed experts sharing insights into the latest screening technologies, innovative diagnostic approaches, and evidence-based strategies for early detection of various diseases. From cancer screenings to cardiovascular risk assessments, we will explore how proactive healthcare interventions can significantly improve treatment outcomes and enhance overall well-being. Be part of this thought-provoking discussion, learn from leading minds in the field, and discover how early detection empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their health journey.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to be at the forefront of preventive healthcare. Register now and secure your spot for this game-changing session!

Session 04: Lifestyle Medicine

In this illuminating session on Lifestyle Medicine, we invite you to delve into the transformative power of healthy lifestyle choices in promoting overall well-being and preventing chronic diseases. Lifestyle Medicine is a rapidly evolving field that emphasizes the profound impact of daily habits on our health, highlighting the potential for positive change through simple yet effective interventions.

Session Overview:

During this session, esteemed experts and practitioners in Lifestyle Medicine will explore the science behind lifestyle-based approaches and their potential to revolutionize healthcare. From nutrition and physical activity to stress management and sleep hygiene, we will unravel the key pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and their role in disease prevention and management.

Key Topics to Be Covered:

  1. Nutrition for Optimal Health: Unravel the link between diet and chronic diseases, and discover evidence-based nutritional guidelines for improving health outcomes.
  2. Physical Activity as Medicine: Explore the numerous benefits of regular exercise in preventing obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic conditions.
  3. Managing Stress and Mental Well-being: Learn strategies to reduce stress levels, enhance resilience, and prioritize mental health for overall vitality.
  4. Sleep and Circadian Health: Understand the importance of restorative sleep in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and mitigating health risks.
  5. Behavioral Change Strategies: Discover effective techniques to facilitate behavior modification and sustain healthy habits in the long term.

Session 05: Nutrition and Preventive Medicine

In this enlightening session, we delve into the critical nexus between nutrition and preventive medicine, exploring how dietary choices profoundly impact our health and well-being. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and optimizing overall health, making it an indispensable component of any comprehensive healthcare approach.

Join us as esteemed experts and researchers in the field unveil the latest scientific insights into the profound connections between nutrition and preventive medicine. Delving beyond mere dietary guidelines, we aim to unravel the intricacies of how specific nutrients influence our immune system, metabolism, and susceptibility to various diseases.

Through evidence-based discussions and real-life case studies, attendees will gain invaluable knowledge about the preventive power of proper nutrition, empowering them to make informed choices for themselves and their communities. We will explore the impact of nutrition on combating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, and certain cancers.

This session will also address the challenges of promoting healthy eating habits in diverse populations and age groups. Experts will highlight successful public health initiatives and community-driven programs aimed at fostering nutritional awareness and behavioral changes.

Ultimately, this session aims to foster a deeper understanding of how nutrition serves as a formidable tool in preventive medicine, opening up new avenues for interventions that can revolutionize global health outcomes. Together, we will uncover the transformative potential of harnessing the power of nutrition in our quest for a healthier and resilient future.

Session 06: Physical Activity and Preventive Health

We are excited to present a dynamic session on "Physical Activity and Preventive Health" at our upcoming conference. Physical activity is an essential pillar of preventive medicine, offering a multitude of benefits that positively impact both physical and mental well-being. This session aims to shed light on the critical role of regular physical activity in preventing chronic illnesses and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Session Overview:

During this engaging session, esteemed experts in the field of preventive medicine will share the latest research and evidence-based insights on the profound impact of physical activity on health. Participants will explore the various ways in which physical activity contributes to disease prevention, risk reduction, and overall health enhancement.

Key Topics to be covered:

  1. The Science behind It: Delve into the scientific underpinnings of how physical activity positively influences physiological processes, reduces inflammation, and enhances the body's immune response, lowering the risk of various diseases.
  2. Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Understand how regular physical activity can serve as a powerful preventive measure against non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and obesity.
  3. Mental Health Benefits: Discover the vital connection between physical activity and mental well-being, including its role in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, thereby promoting holistic health.
  4. Empowering Individuals and Communities: Explore successful community-based initiatives that leverage physical activity as a preventive tool, promoting healthier habits among diverse populations.
  5. Incorporating Physical Activity into Daily Life: Learn practical strategies for integrating physical activity into busy schedules and sedentary lifestyles, ensuring sustained engagement.
  6. Addressing Barriers to Participation: Identify common barriers preventing people from being physically active and explore inclusive approaches to overcome them.

Session 07: Mental Health and Preventive Medicine

In this insightful session on Mental Health and Preventive Medicine, we will delve into the critical role of preventive measures in nurturing mental well-being and building resilient communities. As the world faces unprecedented challenges, prioritizing mental health has become more crucial than ever before. Join us as we explore evidence-based strategies, innovative approaches, and empowering initiatives aimed at promoting mental wellness and preventing the onset of mental health disorders.

Session Highlights:

Our esteemed panel of mental health experts, researchers, and practitioners will shed light on a range of key topics, including:

  1. Preventing Mental Health Disorders: Understanding the early signs and risk factors of mental illnesses to enable timely intervention and support.
  2. Promoting Mental Resilience: Exploring preventive practices that enhance individual and community resilience, fostering the ability to cope with adversity.
  3. Addressing Stigma and Barriers: Breaking down societal stigmas surrounding mental health, promoting open dialogue, and improving access to preventive resources.
  4. Preventive Interventions in Schools and Workplace: Showcasing successful preventive programs that create supportive environments for mental well-being.
  5. Digital Mental Health Solutions: Harnessing the potential of technology to provide accessible preventive mental health support.
  6. Community Engagement and Mental Health Advocacy: Empowering communities to take an active role in promoting mental wellness and preventive care.
  7. Crisis Prevention and Intervention: Equipping individuals and healthcare providers with preventive strategies during times of crisis.
  8. Leveraging Data and Research: Utilizing data-driven insights to inform preventive mental health policies and practices.

Session 08: Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have emerged as a significant global health challenge, responsible for the majority of deaths worldwide. These chronic conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory diseases, pose a formidable threat to public health and well-being. However, the majority of NCDs are preventable through targeted interventions and lifestyle modifications.

In this enlightening conference session, we will explore cutting-edge strategies and evidence-based approaches to prevent NCDs and promote healthier lives. Renowned experts and thought leaders in the field of preventive medicine will share their insights on identifying key risk factors, implementing effective preventive measures, and advancing public health policies to combat NCDs.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Understanding the NCD Burden: Participants will gain valuable insights into the global impact of NCDs, assessing the prevalence, economic consequences, and challenges they pose to healthcare systems.
  2. The Role of Lifestyle in NCD Prevention: Experts will delve into the impact of lifestyle choices, including nutrition, physical activity, and stress management, in reducing NCD risk.
  3. Early Detection and Screening: The session will emphasize the significance of early detection and regular screenings in identifying NCDs at their nascent stages for timely intervention.
  4. Innovative Preventive Programs: Participants will be introduced to successful NCD preventive initiatives and community-based interventions that have yielded tangible results.
  5. Addressing Health Disparities: The discussion will highlight the importance of addressing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to preventive measures for all segments of the population.
  6. Policy and Advocacy: Policymakers and public health advocates will share insights into crafting robust policies and implementing evidence-based strategies to prevent NCDs on a larger scale.

Session 09: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

Join us for an engaging session on "Infectious Disease Prevention and Control - Safeguarding Our Communities" at our upcoming conference. This critical session aims to shed light on the pressing need for effective strategies to prevent and control infectious diseases, especially in the face of global health challenges.

Session Overview:

Infectious diseases continue to pose a significant threat to public health worldwide. From viral outbreaks to bacterial infections, the impact of infectious diseases can be devastating on individuals, communities, and healthcare systems. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of infectious disease prevention and control measures, highlighting recent advancements, best practices, and lessons learned from past outbreaks.

Key Topics to be explored:

  1. Understanding the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: Examining the transmission patterns and epidemiology of various infectious agents.
  2. Vaccination Strategies: Evaluating the role of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases and fostering herd immunity.
  3. Surveillance and Early Detection: Emphasizing the importance of robust surveillance systems to detect outbreaks early and enable timely responses.
  4. Global Collaborations: Discussing the significance of international cooperation in combating infectious diseases on a global scale.
  5. Antimicrobial Resistance: Addressing the growing concern of antimicrobial resistance and its implications for infectious disease management.
  6. Community Engagement: Exploring the role of communities in raising awareness and implementing preventive measures.
  7. Preparedness and Response: Learning from past outbreaks to strengthen preparedness and response strategies for future challenges.

Session 10: Public Health Policy and Preventive Medicine

In this enlightening session, we will delve into the critical intersection of public health policy and preventive medicine, exploring how strategic policy frameworks can create sustainable and transformative impacts on population health. As the world faces an array of health challenges, it is imperative to harness the potential of evidence-based policy measures to promote preventive healthcare at a larger scale.

Key Topics to be covered:

  1. Policy Formulation for Preventive Medicine: Unraveling the process of designing and implementing effective public health policies that prioritize preventive measures, taking into account diverse societal and cultural contexts.
  2. Health Equity and Access: Analyzing the role of policy interventions in reducing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to preventive services for all communities.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Understanding the significance of data analytics in crafting targeted and outcome-oriented preventive health policies.
  4. Collaborative Governance: Exploring successful models of collaborative governance involving government, healthcare institutions, and community stakeholders to drive preventive healthcare initiatives.
  5. Preventive Interventions during Public Health Emergencies: Learning from recent global health crises and understanding how policy frameworks can strengthen preventive responses during emergencies.
  6. Behavioral Economics and Nudging Strategies: Harnessing insights from behavioral economics to design policy nudges that encourage healthier lifestyle choices.
  7. Legislation and Regulation for Preventive Health: Discussing the impact of legislative measures and regulations in shaping preventive healthcare practices.

Session 11: Environmental Health and Preventive Measures

Join us for an enlightening session on "Environmental Health and Preventive Measures" at our upcoming conference. This session aims to shed light on the critical intersection between environmental factors and public health, emphasizing the significance of preventive measures in safeguarding our planet and ourselves.

Session Overview:

In this session, distinguished experts from various disciplines will come together to explore the intricate relationship between environmental health and human well-being. Participants will gain valuable insights into the impact of environmental hazards on global health and the urgency of implementing preventive strategies.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Identifying Environmental Health Risks: Delve into the assessment and identification of environmental hazards, including air and water pollution, climate change, chemical exposures, and their potential health implications.
  2. Health Consequences and Vulnerable Populations: Examine the health consequences of environmental factors on different population groups, with a focus on vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by environmental risks.
  3. Preventive Measures and Public Policy: Discuss evidence-based preventive interventions, policies, and regulations aimed at mitigating environmental health risks and fostering sustainable practices.
  4. Climate Change and Health Adaptation: Explore the challenges posed by climate change and the need for adaptive measures to protect public health and build resilience.
  5. Community Engagement and Advocacy: Highlight the role of communities in environmental health initiatives and explore strategies for effective advocacy and community engagement.

Session 12: Genetics and Personalized Preventive Medicine

In this groundbreaking session on Genetics and Personalized Preventive Medicine, we delve into the cutting-edge realm of healthcare where advances in genetics and genomics are revolutionizing preventive care. Join us as we explore how harnessing the power of individual genetic information can drive tailored and proactive health interventions, paving the way towards a future of precision medicine.

Session Overview:

The Genetics and Personalized Preventive Medicine session brings together leading experts and researchers at the forefront of genetic science and preventive healthcare. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how genetic insights can optimize disease prevention, early detection, and treatment strategies, leading to improved health outcomes and enhanced quality of life.

Key Topics to Be Covered:

  1. Genetic Testing and Risk Assessment: Learn about the latest breakthroughs in genetic testing technologies and how they can accurately assess an individual's predisposition to certain diseases and conditions.
  2. Targeted Preventive Interventions: Discover how personalized genetic data can guide the development of targeted preventive interventions, taking into account an individual's unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
  3. Pharmacogenomics and Drug Response: Uncover the role of pharmacogenomics in tailoring medication regimens based on genetic profiles, reducing adverse reactions, and enhancing treatment efficacy.
  4. Genetics and Behavioral Interventions: Explore the integration of genetic data in behavioral interventions, empowering individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles that align with their genetic predispositions.
  5. Ethical Considerations and Privacy Concerns: Engage in discussions on the ethical implications and privacy challenges associated with genetic testing and personalized medicine

Session 13: Preventing Occupational Hazards

In this enlightening session, we will delve into the crucial realm of Preventing Occupational Hazards, focusing on creating a safe and healthy work environment for employees across industries. Occupational hazards pose significant risks to workers' health, well-being, and productivity, making their prevention a paramount concern for organizations worldwide.

During the session, esteemed experts and thought leaders will explore innovative approaches and best practices to mitigate workplace risks effectively. Through engaging discussions and case studies, attendees will gain invaluable insights into identifying potential hazards, assessing risks, and implementing preventive measures to safeguard employees' health and safety.

Key Session Highlights:

  1. Understanding the Impact of Occupational Hazards: Explore the adverse effects of workplace hazards on workers' health and productivity, underscoring the importance of preventive strategies.
  2. Promoting a Culture of Safety: Learn how organizations can foster a culture of safety, where employees are empowered to prioritize their well-being and actively participate in hazard prevention.
  3. Risk Assessment and Management: Discover practical methods for conducting comprehensive risk assessments and developing effective risk management plans tailored to specific workplace settings.
  4. Emerging Technologies for Occupational Safety: Explore the role of innovative technologies, such as IoT, AI, and wearable’s, in enhancing workplace safety and preventing accidents.
  5. Collaboration and Compliance: Discuss the significance of collaboration between employers, employees, regulators, and occupational health professionals to ensure compliance with safety regulations and guidelines.

Session 14: Community-Based Preventive Interventions

In this enlightening conference session, we will delve into the transformative potential of Community-Based Preventive Interventions, which lie at the heart of building healthier and more resilient societies. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, fostering community engagement and empowerment becomes paramount in addressing complex health challenges. This session will showcase successful initiatives, research findings, and innovative approaches that highlight the power of grassroots efforts in preventive medicine.

Key Terms:

  1. Local Solutions, Global Impact: Explore how community-led interventions effectively tackle health issues unique to their region while contributing to the broader global health agenda.
  1. Collaborative Partnerships: Discover the significance of forging partnerships between healthcare providers, community leaders, and local organizations to design sustainable and culturally appropriate preventive programs.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity in Preventive Care: Understand the importance of tailoring interventions to respect cultural practices and traditions, fostering greater acceptance and participation.
  3. Technology for Empowerment: Learn about the role of digital tools in engaging communities, facilitating health education, and amplifying preventive efforts.
  4. Addressing Disparities: Discuss strategies to bridge healthcare gaps and ensure equitable access to preventive services for vulnerable and underserved populations.

Session 15: Innovations in Digital Health

In the digital age, the convergence of technology and healthcare has given rise to transformative innovations that are reshaping the landscape of patient care. Join us for an enlightening session on "Innovations in Digital Health," where we will explore the cutting-edge technologies and advancements propelling healthcare into a new era of interconnectedness and efficiency.

Session Overview:

This session will delve into the groundbreaking applications of digital health technologies, ranging from wearable devices and telemedicine to artificial intelligence and health informatics. Our esteemed panel of experts will present inspiring case studies and success stories that demonstrate how these innovations are improving patient outcomes, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and revolutionizing healthcare delivery across the globe.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Wearable Health Devices: Unravel the potential of wearable gadgets in monitoring vital signs, promoting preventive care, and empowering patients to take charge of their health.
  2. Telemedicine and Remote Care: Discover the far-reaching impact of telehealth solutions, bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers, especially in remote or underserved areas.
  3. AI in Healthcare: Explore the game-changing role of artificial intelligence in medical imaging, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans, leading to more precise and efficient healthcare practices.
  4. Block chain in Health Records: Understand how block chain technology is ensuring the security and interoperability of electronic health records, fostering trust between stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
  5. Health Informatics and Data Analytics: Delve into the power of big data analytics in deciphering healthcare trends, predicting outbreaks, and enabling evidence-based decision-making.

Session 16: Preventive Medicine in Pediatric Care

Join us for an enlightening session as we delve into the vital realm of Preventive Medicine in Pediatric Care. This thought-provoking conference session aims to equip healthcare professionals, researchers, and advocates with invaluable insights into safeguarding the health and well-being of our youngest generation.

Session Overview:

Childhood lays the foundation for a lifetime of health, making preventive medicine in pediatric care an essential aspect of healthcare. During this session, esteemed experts will explore evidence-based practices and cutting-edge research, shedding light on preventive measures that can positively impact a child's overall health and development. From vaccinations and early screenings to nutrition and lifestyle interventions, we will investigate comprehensive strategies to create a healthier future for our children.

Key Topics to Be Explored:

  1. The Power of Early Intervention: Identifying health risks and addressing developmental concerns in the early stages of childhood.
  2. Vaccinations for All: Ensuring widespread immunization coverage and safeguarding children from preventable diseases.
  3. Nutrition as Medicine: Understanding the role of proper nutrition in supporting optimal growth and cognitive development.
  4. Promoting Active Lifestyles: Encouraging physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviors in children.
  5. Mental Wellness in Childhood: Recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in young minds.
  6. Parental Engagement and Education: Empowering parents with knowledge to support their child's preventive healthcare needs.
  7. Pediatric Oral Health: Emphasizing dental care for preventing long-term oral health issues.
  8. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Implementing strategies to combat the rising epidemic of childhood obesity.
  9. Building Resilience: Equipping children with coping mechanisms to navigate challenges and stressors.
  10. Leveraging Digital Health for Pediatric Preventive Care: Exploring technology's role in enhancing healthcare delivery.

Session 17: Women's Health and Preventive Medicine

We are delighted to present a thought-provoking session on "Women's Health and Preventive Medicine: Nurturing a Thriving Future" at our upcoming conference. This session aims to shed light on the critical importance of preventive healthcare tailored to women's unique needs and challenges.

Session Overview:

Women's health encompasses a diverse range of physiological and social factors that require specialized attention. This session will explore the significance of preventive medicine in promoting women's well-being, from adolescence to the golden years. Expert speakers will delve into evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and successful interventions that contribute to a healthier and more resilient female population.

Key Topics:

  1. Empowering Women through Preventive Care: Enhancing access to comprehensive healthcare services that focus on prevention and early detection.
  2. Reproductive Health: Addressing the continuum of reproductive needs and promoting family planning for better maternal and child health outcomes.
  3. Hormonal Health and Menopause: Understanding the impact of hormonal changes and offering preventive measures to ease transitional challenges.
  4. Preventing Gender-Specific Diseases: Spotlighting conditions that disproportionately affect women and exploring prevention strategies.
  5. Mental Health and Emotional Well-being: Recognizing the unique mental health concerns faced by women and emphasizing preventive approaches.
  6. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Encouraging physical activity, nutrition, and stress management for long-term preventive benefits.
  7. Advancing Women's Health Research: Advocating for increased research funding and gender-specific studies to inform preventive healthcare.

Session 18: Preventive Medicine in Aging Populations

As the world's population ages, the focus on preventive medicine becomes increasingly critical to ensure a healthier and more fulfilling life for our elderly. This session, "Preventive Medicine in Aging Populations: Enhancing Quality of Life," will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by the aging demographic and explore proactive approaches to promoting healthy aging. Join us to discover innovative preventive strategies, evidence-based interventions, and collaborative efforts aimed at improving the well-being of older adults.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Addressing Age-Related Chronic Conditions: Explore preventive measures to reduce the risk of age-associated chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and cognitive decline.
  2. Nutrition and Mobility for Healthy Aging: Understand the role of balanced nutrition and physical activity in maintaining independence and overall health in elderly populations.
  3. Mental Wellness and Cognitive Health: Discover preventive interventions to support cognitive function and emotional well-being in aging individuals.
  4. Vaccination and Immunization for seniors: Examine the importance of vaccination in safeguarding the health of older adults and preventing infectious diseases.
  5. Polypharmacy and Medication Management: Discuss strategies to minimize medication risks and optimize drug therapies in aging populations.
  6. Fall Prevention and Injury Mitigation: Learn about preventive measures to reduce the risk of falls and associated injuries among the elderly.
  7. Community Engagement and Social Support: Explore the impact of social connections and community engagement on the health and happiness of aging individuals.
  8. Digital Health Solutions for Elderly Care: Evaluate the role of technology in facilitating preventive care and promoting healthy aging at home.

Session 19: Cancer Prevention

Join us for an enlightening session on "Advancements in Cancer Prevention: Empowering Lives, Saving Futures" at our upcoming conference. Cancer prevention remains a pivotal aspect of healthcare, offering hope and optimism in the fight against this devastating disease. In this session, we will delve into the latest breakthroughs, cutting-edge research, and evidence-based strategies aimed at reducing cancer incidence and improving outcomes.

Session Highlights:

  1. Innovative Preventive Measures: Discover novel approaches and technologies that have revolutionized cancer prevention, from targeted therapies to precision medicine.
  2. Screening and Early Detection: Learn about the crucial role of early screening in identifying cancer at its most treatable stages, potentially saving countless lives.
  3. Lifestyle Choices for Cancer Prevention: Explore the impact of lifestyle factors, such as diet, physical activity, and tobacco cessation, in reducing cancer risk and promoting overall well-being.
  4. Vaccination for Cancer Prevention: Understand the potential of vaccination in preventing specific cancer types and its integration into public health programs.
  5. Genetics and Personalized Risk Assessment: Delve into the field of genetic testing and risk assessment to tailor preventive strategies based on individual genetic predispositions.
  6. Community Engagement and Awareness: Explore the significance of community-driven initiatives and public awareness campaigns in promoting cancer prevention education.
  7. Environmental Factors and Occupational Risks: Address the link between environmental exposures, occupational hazards, and cancer prevention measures.
  8. Global Collaboration for Cancer Prevention: Discuss international efforts to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and tackle cancer prevention on a global scale.

Session 20: Global Collaborations for Preventive Healthcare

In an increasingly interconnected world, the significance of global collaborations in preventive healthcare cannot be overstated. This session aims to shed light on the transformative potential of uniting efforts from various nations, organizations, and stakeholders to tackle pressing health challenges through preventive measures.

Session Overview:

The "Global Collaborations for Preventive Healthcare" session will explore the vital role of international cooperation in promoting preventive medicine initiatives. It will delve into the benefits of sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources across borders to build resilient healthcare systems and foster a healthier planet.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Global Health Threats and the Need for Collaboration: Understanding the shared health challenges that necessitate collaborative preventive strategies on a global scale.
  2. Success Stories of Cross-Border Initiatives: Showcasing examples of successful collaborative efforts that have led to significant improvements in preventive healthcare outcomes.
  3. Challenges and Solutions in International Partnerships: Addressing obstacles and exploring innovative solutions to enhance collaboration and information sharing.
  4. The Role of Technology and Data Sharing: Leveraging digital health platforms and data exchange to facilitate international preventive healthcare initiatives.
  5. Policy Harmonization for Global Impact: Discussing the importance of aligning policies across countries to ensure a coordinated approach to preventive healthcare.
  6. Empowering Local Communities through Global Support: Examining how international collaborations can empower local communities in implementing preventive measures effectively.


Market Analysis



The major aim of preventive medicine is absence of disease, be it by preventing the occurrence of a disease or by halting a disease thereby reducing the resulting complications after its onset.  The challenge that is faced by preventive medicine is to motivate the individual to make prevention a practice. The measure taken for disease prevention and health promotion is called preventive medicine, as way round opposite to treatment of symptoms and diseases. Just as health encompasses a variety of physical and mental states, so does disease, which is affected by lifestyle, external or genetic factors. Disease prevention depends on anticipatory actions that can be arranged as essential, optional, and tertiary prevention.

Market Scenario and Overview:

Preventive Medicine Market is isolated topographically into regions Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. North America is the biggest and quickest developing business sector for preventive healthcare technologies and services during the forecast period of 2014 to 2020.  Asia-Pacific and the Middle East and other are experiencing low growth now but are expected to gain potential markets in the coming future. The expectation from the worldwide preventive medicine market is to reach USD 432.4 billion by 2024. The market is expected to extend at a 9.70% CAGR from 2014 to 2023, with its value rising from US$72.8 billion in 2013 to US$144.8 billion by 2020.  

Source: Preventive Medicine Euroscicon, April 28-29, 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland                                                                                                                 

Regional Analysis of Preventive medicine and Public Health Services

USA: North America being the biggest and the fastest developing region is fuelled by growing awareness, supportive reimbursement policies, and the presence of several leading players. Currently, North America holds almost half of the global market share with 48 % and is expected to continue to dominate in the forecast too.

Europe: Europe is the second biggest for preventive healthcare market and services. High healthcare spending per capita and developed economies and in the countries like Germany and France are the driving factors for market growth in the region.  European preventive market is able to grow because of achievements of the high-risk factor epidemiology in the region. Europe holds 37% of Global market share.

Middle East and Asia Specific: Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World are expected to be potential markets in the future, with the current market estimated to be low, holding only 15% of the share.

Source: Preventive Medicine Euroscicon, April 28-29, 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland

Key Players in Preventive Medicine and Public Health Market:

Top Preventive Medicines Organisations

Counsyl, Inc., USA, Huneo, USA, Omada Health, USA, Health Tap, USA, GlaxoSmithKline Plc. USA, Philips Healthcare, Netherlands, Kindred Healthcare, U.S., Linde Group, Germany, Abbott Laboratories, U.S., Kinnser Software, Inc., U.S., A&D Company, Japan, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA Germany, Omron Healthcare, Japan, McKesson Corporation, U.S., Apria Healthcare Group, U.S., Kinnser Software, Inc., U.S., Journal Of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Source:  Preventive Medicine Euroscicon, 2023 Internal

Top Preventive Medicines Institutions:

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama George Washington University, Washington, D.C., University of Texas , Houston Health Sciences Centre, Houston, Texas ,Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn Sylvia Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts University of California, Los Angeles California University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Berkley Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, London Imperial College London, London , The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, UK, The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology, Bremen Danube University Krems, Austria University of East Anglia, Anglia.

Top Healthcare Societies:

European society of preventive medicine, Europe, British Geriatrics Society, England Preventive Medicine Society, Europe, Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM), Europe, Joint British Society, England, European medical association, Europe, European Union geriatric medicine society, Europe, European lifestyle medicine association, Europe, Aerospace medical association, USA, Association for prevention and research, Europe, The American Society for Preventive Cardiology, USA The Center for Medicine, Society and Prevention, USA, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, USA, International Academy of preventive medicineEurope Preventive Medicine Organisation, USA, Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Italy, Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of frostbite.

source: Preventive Medicine Euroscicon, 2023 Internal


Preventive Medicine and Public Health market have a lot to offer to the Preventive Medicine Specialists, pharmaceutical producers, Physicians, Public Health professionals etc. It has already made an impact in developed countries like Europe, USA, Canada, and Australia.

Development of the market, the dissemination of knowledge can only occur through international meetings and conferences. The  Tenth Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine and Public health happening April 28-29, 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland, Austria will address the recent advancements happening in this field with a series of key Notes, Plenary sessions, Workshops, Symposiums and discussions represented by eminent speakers from more than 40 nations.


The information developed in this report is intended only for the purpose of understanding the scope of hosting related international meetings at the respective locations. This information does not constitute managerial, legal or accounting advice, nor should it be considered as a corporate policy guide, laboratory manual or an endorsement of any product, as much of the information is speculative in nature. Conference Organizers take no responsibility for any loss or damage that might result from reliance on the reported information or from its use.



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